How to set up a toolbox

Author: JRAutofix  Date Posted:3 April 2020 

toolbox set upTo work efficiently it's important to have the right tools and have them quickly accessible when you need them.

For this reason the first step to set up a tool box is best to start removing all unnecessary tools to avoid cluterring the tool box before sorting your remaining tools.

The remaining tools should be sorted by use so the most used tools should be located in the most accessible place of your toolbox. The less used tools should be at the bottom of the tool box or at the back of the draw.

The goal of this step is to find the best storage location that are effective and efficient, which then create a work environment that is organized, ergonomic, uncluttered and easily navigable.

Some questions to ask during this step might be: Which specific items are needed to perform a task? How many items need to be readily accessible and where should they be located?

Once done each tool will have a predetermined location where it will remain until it used, and then it will be returned immediately following its use.

Labels and color coding are also helpful techniques to use in this step.

tools lean storage

With an organized and efficient use of storage, everyone is easily able to locate important items and enjoy a less stressful work environment.

To ensure consistancy and sustainabillity with the predetermined set up photos should be taken of each draw and attached with the tool box.

Also a list of tools should be created with a location code (ex: draw nbr, row nbr etc ...)

Everyone has different needs regarding tools so the toolbox need to be customised according to the activity that you are carrying out.

Keeping the tool boxes in your workplace clean and organized will eliminate the frustrations of having to look for the tool that you need. An organized toolbox is a safe toolbox so make sure you put in the effort now to keep yours properly organized.

To take your tool organization to the next level like used in aviation, tool box shadowing foam (visual management) will help you calling out what you're missing.

tool foam shadow

The ideal set up is to have a foam color layer at the bottom which will make missing tools stand out.


Next is to get foam to fit your toolbox with ideally 2 colors.

Lay out every tool you want in a drawer on top of the foam as per predefines set up at this stage it's also important to position tools a way to save space then you can start tracing all the tools using a pen, pencil, or marker and you can start cutting.

To cut the foam you can use a knife or a hot foam cutting tool alternativelly for metal tools they can be heated with a heat gun and applied on foam to melt the shape. 

For perfection, the tool layout can be drawn on paper then scanned.

The file and the foam can be taken to a laser cutting place.



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